Breakfast can be a bit of a dirty word on the Paleo diet, but, add in the additional restrictions of following the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol with no eggs, nuts, tomatoes etc and then, well, that Intermittent Fasting to skip breakfast can look a whole lot more attractive (and is what I tend to do in […]

Autoimmune Coconut Macaroons
Since going paleo, if there is one thing that has really made a difference, it has been coconut. Coconut milk curries, virgin coconut oil for frying, coconut flour for baking and desiccated coconut for, well, for wherever the heck I can work it in. Also, when you factor in the additional restrictions from the Paleo autoimmune protocol […]
Diet and Multiple Sclerosis (MS) – A Letter to the BBC
Earlier today it was announced in the news that Jack Osbourne has Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Jack is the son of our own Ozzy Osbourne who was born and lived a few short miles from where we live in Birmingham, UK so whilst Jack comes from the US this story kind of feels close to home. […]

Ultimate Coconut Macaroons Recipe (Paleo)
I love Coconut Macaroons, said it, got it off my chest. But, being into a super healthy, clean eating lifestyle the excess sugar and rancid vegetable oils in the otherwise delicious shop bought macaroons had me wanting to make my own. So, off to Google we go looking for dairy free macaroons, gluten free macaroons, […]

Fermented Hummus
There’s definitely something really appealing about a smooth & creamy dip, and for me hummus is the king. It’s extremely versatile & can be transformed with just the addition of a single ingredient, such as roasted red pepper, caremalised onion or even just a sprinkling of smoked paprika. Up until quite recently I thought it […]

Post workout meal 02-06-2012
Today’s meal was quite hearty as I trained in a fasted state this morning. I hadn’t eaten anything for close to 16 hours but I must say I wasn’t ravenously hungry, all the same I made sure that I slightly overfed myself. The meal comprised of some elements left over from a couple of previous […]

10 Minute Workouts
I find myself ever more interested in Crossfit from an ‘elite fitness’ and maximum results from a minimum time investment but the daily workouts posted on are just so damn tough. The general idea is that Crossfit provides all round fitness, unlike say jogging, that gets you good at, well, jogging, Crossfit gets you […]

Post workout meal 26-05-2012
This weeks post workout meal was a completely new recipe for me so it was a bit of a risk to cook and document it for the blog at the first attempt, the fact is it sounded so interesting that I just had to give it a try. The star of the show is coconut […]

Paleo vs MS – Terry Wahls
Last week I posted a video showing Matt Embry, diagnosed with MS in 1995 and some fairly heavy duty symptoms he has put the disease into remission using a Paleo style diet developed by his father, with some input from the Godfather of Paleo Loren Cordain and detailed over at Direct-MS (DIet REsearch into the Cause and Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis). […]

Post workout meal 19-05-2012
I usually exercise 3 times a week & I really look forward to my post workout meals – there’s something really satisfying about enjoying a good meal after some hard training. The meal I look forward to the most is the one after my only morning workout, which is on a Saturday, as I usually […]
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Paleo in the UK
PriMod is a new blog formed with the intention of raising awareness of Paleo in the UK which is also known as the Caveman Diet. We will publish a range of Paleo Recipes for the UK along with UK Paleo snacks and Paleo Diet information - all with a UK slant. The Blog will also focus on the Paleo Autoimmune protocol and will provide recipes that are compatible with the autoimmune protocol and that don't include any eggs, nuts, tomatoes or peppers (nightshades).
If you are looking for any of the following: caveman diet uk, paleo recipes uk, paleo diet uk, paleo snacks uk, paleo food uk or just anything Paleo in the UK then follow us on Facebook to keep up to date.
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