It’s always the things you never thought about that trip you up in life and it was that way for us with our first bash at the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol. We were already pretty rigid Paleo but we did eat a lot of nuts, seeds, tomatoes, peppers and aubergines. Most worrying was the amount of […]

Milk protests
We all loved a glass of milk as a child and it still has a fond place in my heart today, although no longer a place in my fridge. I am lucky (if you see it that way) as I tolerate milk and dairy well, in fact I seem to tolerate most food & drinks quite well. […]

Exercising as a Family – Caveman Style
With the ‘never a spare minute’ way we all seem to live nowadays it can be hard to find time for parents to go and do their own regular exercise several times a week. Equally, getting kids out and exercising is not always easy during summer holidays or breaks when you still have to work and […]

Shopping for the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol
If you have an autoimmune disease we have to take the Paleo diet a step further and do a thirty day elimination diet to test for sensitivities to nuts, eggs & nightshade vegetables like peppers, tomatoes, aubergines & potatoes. It also makes sense (if you can hack it) to remove coffee for the 30 days […]

Contains Gluten – Hidden Sources of Gluten
We follow a pretty strict Paleo diet and are currently trying to switch to a couple of months of the even stricter autoimmune protocol but despite following a diet that is generally just meat and veg I still find some surprising sources of gluten and wheat. I am not trying to be super strict about reading the […]

Fermented Vegetables Recipe – Homemade Probiotics
With the relentless barrage of advertising for yogurt drinks with ‘beneficial bacteria’ ‘gut friendly bacteria’ or simply ‘good bacteria’ it’s likely that most of us understand the benefit of getting some probiotic bacteria in our diets. The problem is, many of these yogurt drinks are not the natural or most healthy way to do this […]

Home made fermentation jars
Since starting the Paleo diet one of the things that has intrigued me the most is the importance of eating fermented foods. Up until starting Paleo I couldn’t tell you when the last time I ate something fermented was, sure alcohol is fermented – and most of us enjoy that every once in a while […]

Homemade Avocado Stuffed Grass Fed Beef Burgers Recipe
Homemade beef burgers (grass fed of course) are a favourite of ours at home and McDaddy’s is on the way to replace McDonalds as a favourite for the kids (I just need to supply the burgers in a cute box and with an instantly forgettable toy and I think i’ll have that fiendish Ronald McDonald bested for […]

Paleo Pancakes – Autoimmune Protocol Recipe
This is a great Paleo pancake recipe that does away with the need for any nut flours or eggs but does not compromise on the taste. This is perfect for those of you looking to keep your Omega 6 in check (too much nut flour is no good thing) and works as a recipe for […]

Better Paleo Flours – Autoimmune Friendly
When you first go Paleo, lots of the foods you used to eat are no longer available to you, and if you did a lot of baking this means many of the healthy, home cooked foods you used to prepare have to be taken off the menu. This is problematic, as in these busy lives […]
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Paleo in the UK
PriMod is a new blog formed with the intention of raising awareness of Paleo in the UK which is also known as the Caveman Diet. We will publish a range of Paleo Recipes for the UK along with UK Paleo snacks and Paleo Diet information - all with a UK slant. The Blog will also focus on the Paleo Autoimmune protocol and will provide recipes that are compatible with the autoimmune protocol and that don't include any eggs, nuts, tomatoes or peppers (nightshades).
If you are looking for any of the following: caveman diet uk, paleo recipes uk, paleo diet uk, paleo snacks uk, paleo food uk or just anything Paleo in the UK then follow us on Facebook to keep up to date.
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